Tag Archive: Doctor Who Baking

Time and Relative Deductions in Space

On Wednesday I went to The Doctor Who Experience in London’s Olympia 2 for the 6th time. 6th…I must be insane!
Anyway I went with @mellywho, @issyvb, @bindiyayagnik, @zygoncurry and @doktorwatson a) because it’s moving to Cardiff next week and b) as a belated birthday thing for Mel and an early birthday thing for Bindiya (send them Birthday love!). Had an amazing time, thank you so much guys!

The birthdays gave me the perfect excuse to do a bit of Doctor Who Baking! (any excuse 😛 )

So I came up with this as a crossover between Doctor Who and Sherlock Holmes:

Still a little bit wibbly, but about a million times beter than my last attempt at a TARDIS Cake. I’m teaching myself all of this stuff so it’s really trial and improvement more than anything else.

Just wanna say a big thank you to the security folk at the DWE for hiding the cake from Mel and Bindiya for us and for not eadting it while they were looking after it! 😛

Gingerbread TARDIS by @mellywho

This has been a long time in the making, but Mel finally made the gingerbread TARDIS we had discussed aaaaaages ago. And bloody brilliant it was too!

Here’s a pic, click on the link below for her post about how she made it.

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The Big Baking Bang

Inspired by The Big Bang 2 (Electric Boogaloo) and this amazing van Gogh wibbly wobbly explodey wodey painting:

I give you my favourite Doctor Who Baking creation so far: